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Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during his visit to the Crimean port of Sevastopol on May 9, 2014. (YURI KADOBNOV/AFP/Getty Images)
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during his visit to the Crimean port of Sevastopol on May 9, 2014. (YURI KADOBNOV/AFP/Getty Images)
US space shuttle Discovery heads for space at Kennedy Space Center as it and its seven person crew begin a mission to the International Space Station, April 5, 2010. AFP PHOTO Bruce WEAVER (BRUCE WEAVER/AFP/Getty Images)
US space shuttle Discovery heads for space at Kennedy Space Center as it and its seven person crew begin a mission to the International Space Station, April 5, 2010. AFP PHOTO Bruce WEAVER (BRUCE WEAVER/AFP/Getty Images)
President, Yorktown Institute
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