China Insider

China Insider #31 | Yellen in Beijing, New CCP Department of Social Work, and the 2023 NATO Summit

Senior Fellow and Director, China Center
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China Center Program Manager Shane Leary joins Miles Yu to discuss US Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen’s visit to Beijing and its implications for economic relations between the US and China. They then discuss the significance of the CCP’s new Department of Social Work and how it further centralizes Xi Jinping’s power. They end with a conversation about the 2023 NATO Summit, and how Indo-Pacific security fits into NATO’s priorities.

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On multiple fronts—from ideology to the economy, to the military, to technology—the Chinese Communist Party presents the United States and its allies and partners with their most serious threat since the Cold War—maybe since World War II. What does the emerging consensus about the China challenge get right, and what is it missing? And what will it take to compete to win?

China Insider is a weekly podcast project from Hudson Institute's China Center, hosted by Miles Yu, who provides weekly news that mainstream American outlets often miss, as well as in-depth commentary and analysis on the China challenge and the free world’s future. To receive China Insider directly to your inbox, subscribe here.