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Press Release

Hudson Institute Launches Center on Europe and Eurasia

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg: “You are demonstrating vision and leadership in launching your new center, and I wish you all the best in this important effort.”

europe center
Kyiv, Ukraine. (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON—Hudson Institute launched its new Center on Europe and Eurasia, which will be dedicated to advancing American interests and revitalizing our alliances for today’s era of great power competition.

Under the direction of Senior Fellow Peter Rough, the center’s work will focus on checking Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine, countering China’s subversion of the continent, extricating Europe from strategic vulnerabilities, forging key links in Central Asia, and modernizing our transatlantic military posture and economic ties.

“Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine marks the funeral of the post-Cold War era. This is the most propitious moment to launch a Center on Europe and Eurasia since the end of World War II,” Rough said. “The invasion of Ukraine today could be followed by China’s coercion of Taiwan tomorrow. It is crucial to America’s success that Europe is prepared to oppose both Russian and Chinese aggression. Leveraging our allies will require creative leadership from the United States.”

Rough, a native German speaker, specializes in European politics and security. He served in the U.S. Agency for International Development and in the White House’s Office of Strategic Initiatives in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush. He was also the director of research in the Office of George W. Bush.

“For almost three-quarters of a century, Europe and North America have stood together in NATO in defense of our people and our values. I thank the Hudson Institute for its commitment to forging an even stronger transatlantic bond,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said. “You are demonstrating vision and leadership in launching your new center, and I wish you all the best in this important effort.”

Rough will be joined by Hudson Senior Fellow Luke Coffey, a renowned expert on European security issues and Central Asian affairs who previously served as senior special advisor to then-British Defence Secretary Liam Fox and previously directed the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy at the Heritage Foundation; Hudson Adjunct Fellow Matthew Boyse, a former deputy assistant secretary of state in the Bureau for European and Eurasian Affairs with decades of experience in Central and Eastern Europe; Distinguished Fellow and former Hudson President and CEO Dr. Ken Weinstein; expert in political economy and Senior Fellow Dr. Tom Duesterberg; and military analyst and Senior Fellow Dr. Can Kasapoğlu, who is based in Turkey.

“Europe remains a critical partner for American security and prosperity. We need to revitalize our alliance structure in light of current threats,” Hudson President and CEO John Walters said. “Under Peter’s stewardship, Hudson looks forward to offering policy leadership for this crucial region of the world.”

For the official launch of the center, Rough is interviewing Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa to discuss the importance of U.S. alliances in Europe on December 2 at 10:00 a.m. EST.

Read Rough and Kaspoglu’s latest piece in The National Interest on the Biden administration’s strategy of confinement for Ukraine and Coffey’s case for supporting Ukraine in National Review. For more information on the center and its activities, visit the center’s webpage.

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