Making a Killing Podcast

Making a Killing | Ep. 34: Deterring Putin with Marshall Billingslea

Senior Fellow
Fellow and Director, Kleptocracy Initiative

As the White House warns of an “imminent” attack on Ukraine, former US Treasury Assistant Secretary Marshall Billingslea joins Nate Sibley to explore what options America and its allies still possess to deter Putin from further escalation. They also consider lessons for a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

__Disclaimer: The final 2 minutes of this episode include some light interference in the audio. We apologize for any inconvenience but believe the value of the information offered still stands strong and clear.__

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Making a Killing explores how corruption is reshaping global politics, and fueling some of the most deadly security threats facing the world today - from the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, to terrorist networks, nuclear proliferation, drug trafficking and other organized crime.

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