Colin Tessier-Kay

Research Fellow and Program Manager, China Center

Colin Tessier-Kay

At A Glance:

Colin Tessier-Kay is a research fellow and program manager with the China Center at Hudson Institute.


Colin Tessier-Kay is a research fellow and program manager with the China Center at Hudson Institute.

His primary focuses are China’s foreign policy and the evolving dynamics of United States–China strategic competition involving China’s maritime strategy in the Indo-Pacific and South China Sea. He has written on China’s gray zone and paramilitary operations, including military applications of emerging and advanced technologies. He has also extensively covered issues related to cross-strait relations, US Indo-Pacific deterrence, and the People’s Liberation Army’s strategic doctrine, structural reforms, and coercion operations.

Mr. Tessier-Kay has also contributed to various research and reports involving Chinese politics with analysis of Chinese Communist Party bureaucratic relations, policymaking, and implementation via center-local relations.

He speaks Mandarin Chinese and lived in China for a year, during which he conducted field research throughout China and other Southeast and East Asian countries. 

Mr. Tessier-Kay received his MA from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in international relations and international economics, specializing in China studies, and his BA from St. Lawrence University in government and global studies. 

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