Phil Gramm taught economics at Texas A&M for 12 years, served in the United States House for 6 years, and in the US Senate for 12 years. He is author of the budget-cutting Gramm-Latta Act (1981), which set the path of Reagan administration budget policy, and the Gramm- Rudman-Hollings Act (1985), which placed binding restrictions on Federal spendng. Since retiring from Congress, Gramm has written widely on budget, tax, growth, and related income distribution issues.
Can American Politics Solve the Federal Debt Problem?
Join Hudson for an event to launch a new policy memo coauthored by Olivia Enos, Sophie Richardson, and Anouk Wear: “Prioritizing Human Rights in US Policy toward China: A Guide for the Next Administration.”
The Hudson Institute Political Studies Policy Certificate Program gathers talented early career professionals for advanced study of American foreign and domestic policy and national security, led by policy experts and experienced government officials.
Please join Senior Fellow Adam Mossoff for a discussion with Professor Barnett about The Big Steal and what policymakers need to do to revive a healthy, growing US innovation economy that sustains America’s global tech leadership and its national security interests.
Join Hudson Senior Fellow Bryan Clark for an event with Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer Dr. Radha Plumb.