Press Release

Hudson Institute Releases Report on Israel and Energy Independence in the Eastern Mediterranean

Report summarizes findings by commission of senior Israeli and American military officials;
Released in conjunction with the University of Haifa

Washington, September 2 – Today, Hudson Institute released a report examining Israel’s regional energy security, based on conclusions by the Commission on the Eastern Mediterranean. The report was developed in conjunction with the University of Haifa, and summarizes the conclusions reached by a consortium of senior Israeli and American military officers, policy practitioners and scholars.

The report examines Israel’s energy policies in relation to recent geopolitical developments affecting the Middle East since the Arab Spring, from destabilization caused by Islamic extremism to discoveries of large offshore energy reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean. Members of the commission gathered in Israel and Washington, D.C. in 2016 to discuss Israel’s energy environment, security problems and opportunities in the region and the future of the US-Israel strategic partnership.

“Israel’s energy laws were developed largely when the country was an energy importer,” the commission states in a summary. “Israeli officials now have to develop a way to handle energy matters that can allow Israel to become not only a substantial energy producer, but an exporter. They must balance antitrust, security, environmental and other concerns while safeguarding Israel’s reputation as a fair and reliable home for foreign investment. The advantages of this approach include resulting diplomatic openings, domestic job and business opportunities, and energy tax revenues that can be used for the public interest.”

Hudson Institute and the University of Haifa jointly funded the report. Members of the Commission on the Eastern Mediterranean include Co-Chair Professor Shaul Chorev, Co-Chair Senator Mary Landrieu, Admiral Ami Ayalon (ret.), Dr. Seth Cropsey, Charles Davidson, Douglas J. Feith, Dr. Arthur Herman, Ambassador Ron Prosor, Admiral Gary Roughead (ret.), and Professor Eytan Sheshinski.

The Commission on the Eastern Mediterranean report can be accessed here: To arrange an interview with commission members Douglas Feith or Seth Cropsey, please contact Hudson Institute’s Press Secretary, Carolyn Stewart, at [email protected] or (202) 974-6456.