
The U.S.-Israel Relationship: Twenty Years after Oslo

WASHINGTON—Twenty years after the Madrid Peace Conference and the launch of the Oslo era, and a decade after those hopes for peace were shattered by the Second Intifada, the United States and Israel face unprecedented challenges. From attempts to isolate and delegitimize Israel at the United Nations to Iran's nuclear ambitions, from suicide bombers to cyber-warfare, the threats are many and increasing. The political situation in the Middle East following the Arab Spring is tenuous at best. With the Obama administration making the Arab-Israeli peace process the focus of Middle East foreign policy, in order to meet these threats, the United States must work closely with its allies, above all Israel.

The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation is pleased to sponsor a day-long Hudson Institute/ Foundation for Defense of Democracies conference which will feature some of the country's top experts to discuss these important issues, including Elliott Abrams, Michael Doran, Douglas Feith, Hillel Fradkin, John Hannah, Lewis Libby, and Robert Lieber. Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), co-chair of the Republican Israel Caucus, will also participate.

Click here for the full listing of speakers.

What:           Hudson Institute/Foundation for Defense of Democracies Capitol Hill Conference

When:          October 3, 2011, 9:00AM – 5:00 PM (Breakfast and lunch will be served; reception follows)

Keynote:      Ambassador Michael Oren, Israeli Ambassador to the United States

Where:       U.S. Capitol Visitor Center

Congressional Meeting Room South (CVC-217)

Capitol Hill

Washington, DC

RSVP:           Please email Ioannis Saratsis to RSVP: [email protected]  


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