
Hudson Institute Welcomes Three National Security Scholars: Andrew Natsios, Douglas Feith, and Christopher Ford


Hudson Institute is proud to announce the arrival of three Senior Fellows, each with extensive experience in national security. "These distinguished scholars highlight the speed and strength with which Hudson's defense and foreign policy portfolio is growing," says Hudson CEO Kenneth Weinstein. "National security studies were a core part of Herman Kahn's legacy, and we're pleased to be extending our work in this vital field." 

Andrew Natsios will join Hudson as a Senior Fellow. Natsios served as Administrator for USAID from 2001 until 2006, where he oversaw the agency's reconstruction programs in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Sudan. In 2006, President Bush appointed him Special Coordinator for International Disaster Assistance and Special Humanitarian Coordinator for the Sudan.

Natsios served previously at USAID, first as Director of the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and then as Assistant Administrator for the Bureau for Food and Humanitarian Assistance. He also served as a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives.

Natsios spent 23 years in the U.S. Army Reserves as a civil affairs officer, retiring with the rank of lieutenant colonel, and is a veteran of the Gulf War. Natsios has served on the faculty of Georgetown's Walsh School of Foreign Service since 2006. He has degrees from Georgetown and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

Douglas Feith will join Hudson as Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for National Security Strategies. Feith served as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy from July 2001 until August 2005. In that position, he helped craft the U.S. government's strategy for the war on terrorism and contributed to policy for the Afghanistan and Iraq campaigns. Feith helped plan changes in U.S. defense posture, develop new U.S. strategic partnerships with India and Pakistan, promote NATO enlargement, and reform U.S. policy toward China.

Before President Bush appointed him in July 2001, Feith was Managing Attorney of the Washington law firm Feith & Zell. Feith also served in the Reagan administration as a Middle East specialist for the National Security Council and then as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Negotiations Policy. He has received the Distinguished Public Service Medal, the Defense Department's highest civilian award.

Feith is a Belfer Center Visiting Scholar at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. He holds a J.D. from Georgetown and an A.B. from Harvard.

Christopher Ford will join Hudson as Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Technology and Global Security. Ford served in the U.S. government as Special Representative for Nuclear Nonproliferation, leading diplomatic efforts related to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

Previously, Ford was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State at the State Department's Bureau of Verification, Compliance, and Implementation. There he was responsible for assessing other governments' compliance with arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements.

Ford has held senior staff positions in the U.S. Senate, including General Counsel to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and briefly served as Assistant Counsel to the Intelligence Oversight Board at the White House.

For 13 years Ford was an intelligence officer in the U.S. Navy Reserve, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He provided operational intelligence support to various commands, conducted maritime counterterrorist analysis, undertook studies of civil maritime support to the Chinese navy, and provided intelligence support to Navy Special Programs.

Ford received his undergraduate degree from Harvard, his doctorate from Oxford, and his law degree from Yale, and was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship.