
Making a Killing | Ep.16: Dirty Dealings in US Real Estate, Orbán’s Kleptocracy, and Senator Levin’s Legacy

Fellow and Director, Kleptocracy Initiative
Former Adjunct Fellow, Kleptocracy Initiative
Former Adjunct Fellow, Kleptocracy Initiative

Casey, Nate and Paul discuss corruption in international sports on the heel of the Olympics; how more than $2.3 billion was laundered through U.S. real estate in the past five years; Hungary’s descent into crony capitalism; and the legacy of anti-corruption champion Senator Carl Levin.

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About Making a Killing:

Making a Killing explores how corruption is reshaping global politics, and fueling some of the most deadly security threats facing the world today - from the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, to terrorist networks, nuclear proliferation, drug trafficking and other organized crime.

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