
Hudson Institute Experts Available to Comment on North Korea

Press Release

WASHINGTON—With the death of North Korea's brutal authoritarian leader Kim Jong-Il this weekend, the future of the isolated regime remains uncertain. Hudson Institute experts in Asia, foreign relations, nuclear proliferation, and religious freedom are available to comment on the situation in North Korea.

Hudson experts available to comment:

  • Melanie Kirkpatrick, Senior Fellow, former Wall Street Journal Deputy Editor of the editorial page, and currently at work on a book on North Korea [Bio]
  • Christopher Ford, Senior Fellow, Director of Hudson's Center for Technology and Global Security, and former United States Special Representative for Nuclear Nonproliferation [Bio]
  • Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis [Bio]
  • Douglas Feith, Senior Fellow, Director of Hudson's Center for National Security Strategies, and former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy [Bio]
  • Seth Cropsey, Senior Fellow, former Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy [Bio]
  • Jack David, Senior Fellow, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction and Negotiations Policy [Bio]

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